Continuand traditia seculara de prelucrare a lemnului in Bucovina, in 1968 a fost infiintata Fabrica de Mobila din Campulung Moldovenesc. Aceasta si-a dezvoltat si perfectionat capacitatea de productie de mobilier pentru sufragerii, dormitoare, garderobe, grupe de colt, tapiterii si mic mobilier, o mare parte din aceste produse fiind destinate exportului in tari ca: Germania, Elvetia, Suedia, Austria, Rusia, Ucraina, Italia si altele.

De 10 ani, am dezvoltat o noua capacitate de productie a mobilierului pentru hotel si a accesoriilor din lemn, in stiluri clasice cat si inspirat din design-ul modernistic.

Mobilierul produs este in special din lemn de esenta tare: stejar, cires, paltin, fag, in stil rustic german, baroc, dar si stiluri care s-au impus in ultima perioada pe piata mobilei. De asemenea reproducem mobilier de arta Galle.
Experienta acumulata in cei peste 41 de ani de activitate, echipa de specialisti consacrati si dotarea cu utilaje moderne sunt garantia unui mobilier de calitate si bun gust executat la MOBILEXTRA S.A.

Continuing the old century tradition of woodworking in Bucovina , in 1968 was founded The Furniture Factory in Cāmpulung Moldovenesc. The factory developed and perfection it s production capacities for dining rooms, bedrooms, wardrobes, corner groups, upholsteries, small furniture., a big part of these products are designated to the export in countries like Germany, Switzerland, Sweden, Austria, Russia, Ukraine, Italy and others.

For over 10 years, we have developed a new production capacity of hotel furniture and accessories, in classic style like baroque and rococo and modern design furniture.

The furniture produced here is made from strong wood like oak, beech, cherry, maple in German rustic style, baroque style and others styles which imposed last period in the markets. Also we reproduce Galle art furniture. The experience accumulated in more than 41 years of activity, the team of specialists and the achievement of new and performing machines, are the warranty of the goods quality furniture made by MOBILEXTRA S.A.